The latest press releases from Krypc

Check out what we have been up to in the Blockchain space!


KrypC Announces Major Blockchain Collaboration with Impact Earth Foundation: World First ICO Offering Supporting Paris Climate Agreement Impact Earth in partnership with KrypC, a global technology company specializing in enterprise grade Blockchain products and solutions, will be introducing a fully integrated Blockchain platform. This custom Blockchain solution, powered by KrypC's copyrighted solution 'KrypCore', will accelerate and support Impact Earth's developments in their management of (real estate) impact investments in emerging countries.



KrypC aims at attracting enterprises which are looking to adopt blockchain technology in their processes to help them increase their efficiency and transparency.

In short: it seeks to provide custom-built blockchain solutions for business specific needs with “zero” coding effort. With its presence in the US, Netherlands, and India, the company is looking to establish more offices around the world.



Blockchain is touted to be the next 'big bang' across multiple industries because of its ability to keep information reliable, verifiable, confidential, and secure. Though it was conceived in 2008 and implemented in 2009, Blockchain, which essentially serves as a public ledger for transactions which are tamper-free, recently made it to the limelight as the technology that underlies bitcoin.



Ravi Jagannathan, Venkatraman Viravanallur and Mohit Sethi were the founding members of eMudhra, the digital signature c ertifying authority. In early 2016, the three came together to set up KyrpC, a platform that enables companies to use simple drag and drop tools to get blockchain proofs of concept (POCs). Over the past six months, KrypC has worked with several organisations across the globe, including one of the Big Four consulting firms.